The old adage “Prevention is better than Cure” certainly rings true for maintaining good health, keeping our cars in good running order and safeguarding our household essentials. But what about good maintenance practices to ensure the overall efficiency of Air Conditioning systems in our work places?

Thousands of euros is spent in developing bespoke air conditioning systems for offices, factories, special production facilities, hotels, restaurants…. We know because we put them there! But what is often not put in place is a long term maintenance plan.

A structured maintenance plan with a reputable company specializing in this area will save you in the long run. Neglecting necessary maintenance air conditioning unitensures a steady decline in air conditioning performance while energy use steadily increases, costing you money! But there is an environmental aspect to this also. It is important to make sure that your air conditioning system is not leaking any dangerous refrigerants which can be harmful to the environment.

Did you know without regular maintenance an air conditioner loses about 5% of its original efficiency for each year of operation? Studies show that with regular tune-ups, a unit will maintain most of its original efficiency and will save you money by extending the units life. Ergo, the cost of an annual service is recovered very quickly in savings on your monthly electric bill and reduced repair costs.

The moral of the story is by having your air conditioning system regularly maintained by professional maintenance contractors such as AMV Systems, you will save on your energy bills, reduce your repair bill, maintain the efficiency of your system and prolong the lifetime of your unit.

Contact AMV Systems for a Maintenance Contract to suit your special needs today! Phone 1890 810808 or email or see